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EDVA - Commands

EDVA - Commands E:D


EDVA [Main Startup]

Profile Load :: on Profile load Command, see setup
(((MAIN))) Load Variables :: Loads variables from profile, set required for Initialisation.
(((MAIN))) Initialisation :: Load Key-binds, set preferences from loaded variables.
(((MAIN))) Settings :: Commander NAME/Phonetic, Path’s, Applications.
(((MAIN))) Settings Audio :: Set recording and playback devices / volumes, used sounds.
(((MAIN))) Applications :: START / MOVE Applications.
(((MAIN))) Write to log :: Show variables to log.
Profile UnLoad :: on Profile unload Command


EDVA [MainMenu Elite]

Continue [solo, open, arena, training] :: Activates the action and goes to the menus and activates.
requires that the cursor is set at the “Continue” button of the main menu.

Activates the in game menu and goes to the submenu/selection.
Elite [Menu; Options; Help; Social; Friends; groups; blocked; report player; …] [;Menu]
Elite Controls [;Mouse; Flight rotation; Driving; and-more…]
Elite Grahpics [;Display; Quality; 3D]
Elite Audio [;Sound Effects; Music; Voice; Ship; and-more…]
Elite apply [Controls; Graphics; Audio; Changes] Notice Audio has a different exit selection.

Exit to Elite menu :: Exits the game to MainMenu.
Exit to Desktop, Quit Elite Dangerous :: Exit and closes the game.

Center :: Centers mousecursor, stops ship from turning.
Reset Rift :: Resets HMD/Rift headset position.
Reset Headlook :: Resets headlook mode to center.

[Show; Hide] [Framerate; Connection Status; Graphical debug] :: Show data in desktop application
Show scores


EDVA [Debug Functions]

status text :: Shows EDDI/list of varables
[Status] [Hardpoints; Docked; Supercruise; Flight assist; Drive assist; Handbrake; Landinggear; Silent Running; Cargo Scoop; Lights on; Night Vision] :: Writes to log and says(TTS) EDDI variable Status

Used for debuging/setting variables:
[Set; Status; Reset] [Hangar; cockpit; orbit lines; Elite Menu; Camera] [;true; false; not set] :: BOOL variables
[Set; Status; Reset] [Starport services; Full beam] [;true; false; not set] :: BOOL variables
[Set; Status; Reset] [FrameRate; ConnectionStatus; GraphicalDebug] [;true; false; not set] :: BOOL variables
[Status; Set; Reset; Get; Put] [Debug Write; Debug Notifications; Vocal mode; EDDIVoice] [;true; false; not set] :: Stored variables in profile.
[Set; Status; Reset; Get; Put] [nav-tab; sys-tab;galaxy-tab] [;0..6 ; not set] :: Stored variables in profile.


EDVA [Apps-Plugins]

Elite Dangerous - Applications/Tools (3rd party, not included)

Used for starting applications, the [app_variables] are set in the startup sequence.
[Start;Close] [;Elite;] [Discovery] :: ED Discovery
[Start;Close;Move] [;Elite;] Engineer :: ED Engineer
[Start;Close;Move] [;Elite;] Market Connector :: ED Market Connector
[Start;Close;Move;Update] [;Elite;] [PlanetBearing; Compas] :: ED PlanetBearing
Applications are start from variables (Main Startup), Example is in the Variables.txt file.
note: Applications are not included.

ED 3.6 [App] NeutronPlotter

ED 3.7 [Camera]

EDVA [Help Find-Websites]

Open [Coriolis, EDDB, EDSM, Elite-Forum-Reddit-Store-Support , Engineers, Fuelrats, Galnet, Inara, Ivona, Malics profile, Material trader, Material trader, Neutron plotter, Permits, Road to riches, Thargoid structures, Voiceattack, Twitch status, Sector map, Shipyard, List of Rares]
Opens the webpage in the default browser.

Pronounce this system. Modified EDDIcmd :: as it states
Where can I find [materials / data] Modified EDDIcmd :: Describes the location where you can find the item.
Open this Station / System in EDDB / Coriolis. Modified EDDIcmd :: More command combinations available, opens a webpage
Find [System states (boom, bust, famine, …] :: Opens a page to EDSM and searches.


EDVA [Ship Flight_Landing]

Launch ::
- Ship Docked at station: Starts Launch, moves ship up, retracts landing gear.
- Ship Landed on planet: Starts Launch and activates engines, moves ship up a bit, retracts landing gear.

Sets Speed ::
- Full Speed; Cruise; Impulse Speed; Half Impulse; Quarter Impulse; All Stop; Halt; Stepback; Backstep; Backpaddle; Go Back; Full back - [Speed; Speed back] [;100;75;50;25;0;-25;-50;-75;-100] Boost :: Closes cargoscoop and Boost upon boost key is pressed is detected. Disengage :: Disengages from supercruise.

Engage; Engage route; Engage next route; Engage travel jump; Travel jump; Superjump; Engage Superjump ::
Engage :: Engages supercruise / hyperspace (if there is a route it superjumps).
Engage route :: Engage next route :: Select the next route in Galaxy map and Engages.
Travel jump :: FSD Cooldown delay and activates hyperspace to destination.

Superjump ::
Command is experimental, drops you out of supercruise if the target is not set correctly

Engage [;previous;next;] waypoint; Target next waypoint :: Used for NeutronPlotter plugin


EDVA [Ship_SRV functions]

Cockpit [; on; off; pulls]
Orbit Lines [; on; off; pulls]
[Engine Color; Weapon Color]

[Lights; Full Beam] [; on; of; off; pulls; twice] :: - Ship/SRV lights, command checks the current lights status.
- If the lights are allready ‘On’, ‘Off’ or at ‘Full Beam’ it does nothing.
- ‘Lights’ toggles the next light status, ‘On/Off’ lights does go to that status.
- Full-Beam or Lights twice :: it goes to to the Full-Beam only in the SRV.
the first command I made

[Restock; Repair; Refuel] :: For both Ship & SRV (SRV requires to Internal-panel to be on synthesis page).

Night vision [; on; off; pulls]
[deploy; retract;] Landing Gear
[deploy; retract;] Hardpoints
[deploy; retract;] Cargo Scoop; Cargo Hatch; Cargo Hooch
Silent running [; on; off; pulls]
Flightassist [; on; off; pulls]
Rotational correction [; on; off; pulls]

[Firegroup alpha; bravo; charlie; …] [Firgroup 1..8] [Next; Previous;] Firegroup
[deploy; fire;] [Chaff; ECM; Heat sink]
[Shield cell; Deploy Shield; Shields up; Pop Shields]
[Hud mode; Analysis; Exploration; Combat]


SRV Commands that either toggles or execute action.

Deploy SRV :: Deploys SRV.
Board Ship :: Board ship requires the ‘SRV Handbrake’ is enabled.
[Recall;Dismiss] Ship
SRV Transfer Cargo
SRV Turret; Turret; Guns; Gun


EDVA [Ship_SRV Panel Menu functions]

Galaxy map functions:
[Map] [Select; Route; Plot Route; Planet; Surface; Bookmark; System; Purchase ; Back] [;Exploration Data; Exploration; System Data; Trade Data; Trade] ::
Moves cursor and select the command.

Galaxy map; Stellar Cartography :: Opens galaxy map.
Galaxy [Info; Route; Bookmarks; Filter; Options; Search; Map Select; Map Route; Map System; Engage] :: Moves to the spoken tab/field.
Galaxy map select ::
Galaxy map route :: Goes to the selected target (in clipboard) and maps route.
Galaxy map system ::
Galaxy engage :: Same as Galaxy map route and engages supercruise.

System Map :: Opens system map.
System [Info; Bookmarks; Stations] ::

Review codex ::
[Set Filter; Set] [All; Default; Standard; Missions; Signals; Stations; Fleet Carriers; Anomaly; Unknown; Settlement; Scanner; Signal source; system; systems; next system only] [;filters]
[Lock location; Lock Destination; Lock and jump; Lock and supercruise; Lock and engage hyperdrive; Surface map; Bookmark location; Engage Destination]
Scan System


EDVA [Ship_SRV Panel Menu]

[External; Navigation; Nav; Target] Panel ::
[Internal; System; Sys; Status; Inventory; Functions] Panel ::
[Communication; Comms] Panel ::
[Role; SRV] Panel ::

Back; Exit; Exit codex ::
[Enter; Exit;] [System scan; System scanner; Spectrum; Spectrum scan; Spectrum scanner; Spectrum help] ::
Paneltab counting System BOOL :: + - Resets variables Panel-tab counting E Next Panel :: <Joystick2 Button 25> - Counts the tab the panels on, sometimes needs to be reset. Panel-tab counting Q Previous Panel :: <Joystick2 Button 27>

EDVA [Starport services]

[Request; Cancel;] Docking [;Request] ::
[Restock; Repair; Refuel] ::
[Return to surface; Enter hangar] ::
Starport [Commodities Market; Mission board; Passenger Lounge; Contacts; Universal Cartographics; Crew Lounge; Exit; Galnet; Livery; Holo-me; Store; Workshop; Engineer Workshop; Remote Workshop; Outfitting; Shipyard; Advanced maintenance; Market; Passengers; Map; Crew]

EDVA EDDI [Actions Modified]

EDVA EDDI [Actions]

EDVA [Main Startup Menu]

Continue Open
Continue Solo
Continue Private
Continue Arena
Continue Training
Center - Centers mouse

EDVA [Debug Functions]